The Weekly Whisper

My Favourite Books

Lord of the Mysteries

Highschool GraduationI read a lot, almost to a detremental degree. but because of this I believe I've become a pretty good judge of quality when it comes to certain genres, like adventure. And this book scores a perfect score of 10 from me, altough after reading the entire series and I have read every other series created by the author, I can say for certain that I am extremely biased in this statement

This series is a western fantasy novel following someone who was transfered over and must uncover why or fall into madness. The most common complaint about this series is that the beginning is too slow, which is something I wholeheartedly agknowledge. But, I view this as more of a plus if anything as the world created is the most detailed one from any book I have ever read before.

The Unwanteds

Highschool GraduationAlong with anything that Rick Riordan has ever written, when I was younger I was in love with this series. Whenever possible I would save up money so that I could buy a next installment (as my friend had a collection of most of Rick Riordan's books) and just read for hours.

This book stars a book of twins, Alex and Aaron. Within this world the creative are sent to be 'executed' while those who follow all rules are meant to work, eiter as a millitary or in the farms. Unsurprisingly it turns out that those who were sent to be 'executed' were instead sent to a magical school instead, called Artime.
This book is filled with twist and turns and I cannot suggest it more. Although this is my memory as a child, so I'm not sure how well it holds now. Maybe I'll reread it one day.